V I S U A L   A R T S   &   D E S I G N

Welcome to the 2020-2021 School year.

All ART courses, will be accessible through MS Teams. After logging into the MDCPS student portal, you should be able to access MS Teams.

In MS Teams, click on the "Teams" icon on the left banner, and you should see ART as one of your Teams. Check the posts/updates and the general video meeting (MEET) information for the live class sessions.

The course emphasizes making art as an ongoing process that involves the student in informed and critical decision making. The Fine Arts classroom moves beyond one dimensional instruction and into a productive and complex interdisciplinary context. The program prepares students for further studies should they choose to make the fine arts a career; and to be an informed viewer with refined audio and visual perception to enrich a creative life. We nurture alternative ways of knowing and learning, and serve the

widely divergent needs of all students.

How will the class format change with distance learning /dual modality?

For the year 2020-2021, his course, ideally, will be a mixed synchronous/asynchronous course to provide students with the flexibility required of this time, as well as give me an opportunity to connect with the class as a whole and with my students individually.

Courses Mrs. Urrechaga teaches:

Studio Art 1 (W25 & W26)

Studio Art 2 ( W27)

Studio Art 3 Honors ( W28)

Portfolio Honors (W33)

AP Three Dimensions (W34)

AP Drawing Portfolio (W35)

AP Studio Art Two Dimensions & Design (W36)